We have a team of people ready to pray with you online on Thursdays and Sundays from 9:00-9:30am. The team will be praying with you via Webex. During those two times, you can enter the prayer line queue here: firststcharlesunitedmethodistchurch.my.webex.com/meet/dbartley One by one, you will be admitted from the “lobby” by the prayer team member. Please be patient if you do not get admitted immediately. They are praying with someone, and will reach out to you as soon as they can. NOTE: If you will be using an iPad, iPhone, or other type of tablet or smartphone, you will need to install the free Cisco Webex Meeting App BEFORE you go online. We’re all learning together, and grace abounds! Feel free to contact Cathy Jarrell if you have questions at jarrellcm@gmail.com or 636-939-6930.
Online Prayer Ministry
Thu, Jun 4th
9am - 9:30am
Online, Online Online