Middle School Mission Trip
From Sun, Jun 18th at 9am to Fri, Jun 23rd at 10am

This year, we are going all out in offering 2 mission trips! This will allow us to cater to the needs to our students and connect with them on a more personal level. Our middle schoolers (completed grades 6-8) and anyone who can't make the high school dates are going to go to the quad cities in Iowa and Illinois. We will serve in various parts of the Quad Cities, partnering with organizations that deeply care about their community. Service opportunities include assisting with local youth programming, engaging with adults who have disabilities, and meeting basic needs through food pantries, community gardens, and clothing giveaways. We will also learn about the strengths and struggles of this area by hearing from a community speaker and participating in a prayer walk. We will also have the chance to relax at a local waterpark. YouthWorks has partnered with this community since 2004. Join us June 18th-23rd for a life changing mission trip! For more information, contact Pastor Kate: khanch@firststcharlesumc.org