VBS will be July 26th-28th from 5:30-7:45 this year. This year’s Vacation Bible School will include dinner for the whole family, along with the best that VBS has to offer! Hero Hotline VBS is based on Romans 14:19: “So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.” This verse reminds us that God calls us to be a part of a community—working to bring peace to the world is something that we are all called to do together. There are opportunities to serve as heroes for Hero Hotline VBS—from behind the scenes with dinner prep, to leading children, to prepping beforehand and afterward. Sign up a child or to help here: https://firststcharlesumc.mycokesburyvbs.com/
Wed, Jul 26th
5:30pm - 7:45pm
First St. Charles United Methodist Church
801 First Capitol Drive
St. Charles, Missouri 63301